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Dennis Grubb, PhD, PE
Technical Board Member, Vice President of Research, Development and Technical Sales
Phoenix Services, LLC

Dr. Grubb has more than 20 years combined academic, research and engineering consulting experience in environmental remediation, beneficial use, stabilization/solidification (S/S) and environmental forensics. Grubb has over 35 refereed journal publications in these areas. Dr. Grubb’s beneficial use expertise includes foundry sands; scrap tires; municipal solid waste incinerator, bottom and fly ashes; concrete and asphalt; roof shingles; plasphalt; glass cullet; dredged material; steel, blast furnace, electric arc and AOD slags; lime and cement kiln dusts; iron rich, and industrial powders. 

Dr. Grubb has served as the technical lead for S/S mix design work for the Atlantic Wood Industries (VA) and Raritan Bay Slag (NJ) USEPA Superfund sites, Money Point, VA (AECOM), and stabilized dredged material for clients as the Lafarge, Carmeuse, Dominion Power, US Army Corps of Engineers, and the Maryland Port Administration. Dr. Grubb previously launched the environmental geotechnics program at Georgia Tech (1996-2000) and served as a senior research associate/consultant in the Center for Environmental Systems (CES) at Stevens Institute of Technology (2005-2010) working in the areas of the fate, transport and immobilization of heavy metals in contaminated media.  His prior consulting experience (2000-2010) includes geotechnical, environmenta,l and landfill engineering firms as well as serving as the chief technical liaison to the PENNDOT Strategic Recycling Program (2005-2010).   

Dr. Grubb is a prior NSF CAREER, NSF-NATO Postdoctoral and Fulbright Fellowship awardee and has previously served as an editorial board member for the Journal of Hazardous Materials and ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering. Dr. Grubb was the project Manager for Schnabel Engineering’s 2011 Outstanding Project Award for Engineering Excellence from the American Council for Engineering Companies (MD Section) and the 2012 TransOvation Award from the American Road and Transportation Builders Association-Transportation Development Foundation (ARTBA-TDF) based on the Innovative Reuse of Dredged Material with the Maryland Port Administration. 

Head-to-Head Semi-Dynamic Leach Testing of Organics from Stabilization/Solidification (S/S) Treated Samples
There are currently four semi-dynamic leaching (SDL) tests for testing of waste media treated by stabilization/solidification (S/S), and there is considerable confusion in the marketplace about test method equivalency and their applicability to the leaching of organics from S/S-treated samples. The four SDL methods are: EPA1315M [modified for organics through the use of a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) jar liner], ANSI 16.1 (ASTM C1308 is shortened version) and the Test America Polyethylene bag (TAPE) approach presented at the 2014 RE3 Conference. The TAPE approach involves pressing a PE bag to the inside walls of the water bath, where it is intended to serve as an infinite sink for hydrocarbons like the PDMS. To illustrate the important differences between these methods (EPA 1315M; ANS 16.1 and TAPE), they will be compared head-to-head based on S/S–treated sediments from the Gowanus Canal Superfund Site which are impacted with non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) from a former manufactured gas plant (MGP). Leaching rates will be assess for VOCs and SVOCs will be tracked according to their prevalence. The expected result is that the hydrocarbons in the water bath during the ANS16.1 and TAPE tests will approach and/or reach their effective water saturations in the longer leaching intervals, which may result in significant reductions in, or the cessation of, diffusion thus invalidating the test. The results will be summarized in the presentation. Read More >>

Short Course: Use of LEAF Testing Methods in Remediation
Join Moderator Dennis Grubb, PhD, PE and 5 Panelists for our Technical Short Course about LEAF Methods and topics connected to it.  Short Course Panelists are as follows: Dusty R.V. Berggren, MS, EIT from CH2M; Jeff Gentry, MS, PE from CH2M; Larry Matko from TestAmerica; Patricia McIsaac, MS from TestAmerica; and Bernd Rehm, PG, CPG from ReSolution Partners, LLC. Read More >>

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